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Sharing research and practice   

14 June 2017

South Quad Pop Up Learning Hub. Room: G01 LT. 
University College London, United Kingdom



This year the Chilean Society is joining LAPE (Latin American Perspectives in Education) Society, to promote our first event about education in Latin America. We are very grateful to have the opportunity to work together on this initiative. This will therefore be a different type of event to the Chilean Society Annual Conference which the society usually hold at this time of year.


The main aim of the event this year is to generate a space for sharing experiences and encouraging dialogue between researchers and practitioners of the Latin American educational context. The conference provides an excellent opportunity to explore topics in the field of education in the region and gain perspectives from its different spectrums. We invite everyone, with finished and unfinished projects of all levels, MA and PhD, who would like to gain knowledge from the participants’ work and background, as we create networks of cooperation in the academic field.

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In addition to the traditional individual presentations, we will include three new types of academic activities with the intention of providing more opportunities for participants to be involved. The activities for this conference will be:

Each presenter will have a time slot of 20 minutes (15 minutes presentation and 5 minutes to answer questions). The conference committee will organise presentations into coherent groups of three or four papers in a 60 to 80-minutes-long session. Discussions will take place after each paper presentation.


A group of three or four participants will discuss a topic in a 70-minute-long session. It is more flexible and the group may decide, but it might be of four 10 minutes presentations followed by 30 minutes of discussion. Please note that in a panel submission the participants should propose a coherent symposium. Discussions will take place at the end, focusing on the general problems and themes.



Participants simulate an encounter with a scholar or possible employer in an elevator ride, so each participant will take turns of 3-5 minutes to BRIEFLY talk to a group with similar interests: 

  • What is the topic of the research?

  • What is the problem, issue, or question that is addressed in the research?

  • Why is this topic relevant?

  • What does the work add to the disciplinary area? Or how this is related with your work experiences?


All participants of the conference, whether presenters or not, will share their experiences and generate a space to know each other’s work. This will be part of one of the sessions of the conference.



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